Saturday, October 24, 2009

Scary hotel

I was spending the night at a hotel with my best friend, Cassie, and my cat, Bunson. The room was very run-down and instead of beds there were two thin cots for us to sleep on. Cassie pointed to a spot low on the wall where two long rat tails were poking out from the plaster. They were sleeping, she said, but they would wake up at night and come into our room. The two tails were extremely large, and I imagined that the rats that they were attached to, on the other side of our wall, must be enormous. I became very afraid that they would kill Bunson in the middle of the night, and felt guilty for bringing her into this situation. She's too old and frail to travel, I thought, what have I done by taking her along with me to this cheap hotel room where she is vulnerable to these awful creatures? I would try to stay awake all night and watch her, I decided, but I was already so tired, and I knew that at some point I would nod off and be unable to protect her.


  1. Welcome to the dreamspace, sophia!

  2. oh my goodness! how will they get into the room through their rat-tail sized holes? Or will they come in through the front door?

  3. I think that there were some other larger, rat-body sized holes and cracks in the wall. It was quite a decrepit hotel. I will post part 2, about another scary hotel room.


Does this have to do with your {insert parental relation here}?