I'm in elementary school. I have this tiny black and white kitten in my arms that I know is mine. It's very cuddly and sleepy, which is adorable. We go into the school gym, where Peter from Family Guy is telling people about his great idea to have a giant monkey chained up in the gym.
I'm at home in CT, talking to my mom about the kitten. Then I'm back at the gym, scared of the giant monkey that is actually chained up in the gym. He is HUGE, like 50' tall, and has some sort of weapon in his big angry hands that I'm trying to avoid, still with the kitten in my arms.
I run outside and start talking to a little girl about the kitten, and I think about how I'm her mother. I'm comforting her about something and telling her that I know because she's in second grade, and I'm 8 (which is how old I would be if I were in second grade...)
The kitten smiles at me and I kiss it right on its whiskers, feeling happier than I've ever felt.
I think I need to get a kitten wherever I am in three weeks.
— or a giant gorilla.