At some moment in the middle of the night I wrote these very specific notes in order to help me remember my dream:
rm baby puirning Good songs 7 ? w ring in grocery store
What I remember:
My friend's baby had many piercings, I counted them a few times, each time I counted I saw more. It ended up at 30, lining his tiny neck and ears. We had to go to the store, so we were packing provisions. I mixed raisins, walnuts, and peanut butter chocolate chips in a jar, then filled it up to the brim with soy milk, and shook it around.
We're in a store in Ashland where they sell yarn. It's also Anna Purna. We eat and leave without paying, but only because we forget. There's a round stage elevated in the middle of the room. With petals or feathers flopping out of it.
I am in a waiting room. Handed a guitar the receptionist has me sit behind her desk. She has long brown hair and is hiding behind it all the time. I'm supposed to play happy birthday. I don't do it very well so the receptionist shows me how with a guitar that she pulls out of the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet. Her guitar is green tinted. When she sits down to play I look at it more closely. The tuning pegs are just screws, and to tune she tells me, she has to use a wrench. The sound hole looks exactly like a hole created by an alien bursting through someones stomach. But it sounds good. I try to tune to her so she doesn't have to find a wrench.
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Does this have to do with your {insert parental relation here}?