Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ocean depth to mountain high

We're filming a movie. I think. Maybe I'm an actor, or maybe I'm just working on set. I'm in a large hall, like a dinning hall, in the dark — I see a shadow move and realize that someone else just entered the room so I try to hide next to a column. They cross the hall but look back and can see me in the ambient light from the hallway, so they turn on the lights. Dangit. "Oh, Eric, let's go — hey we need these set-up! You didn't put these 1,200 tables and chairs away did you? Ha, of course not." It's Vanessa, with a co-worker now. (Or maybe Neotha... with Anna? Megan?) I follow them.
This is a boat. A huge boat? I'm in the water... or in a tiny boat, a life boat. Something falls into the ocean and sinks. I feel the vastness and enormous depth of the water. Are we filming?
At some point, I visit the home of someone I work with on the set. I meet her girlfriend, who is grumpy when we arrive. They must have just moved here, there are loads of things peeking out of boxes on the porch.
Leaving (the set?). I pull away on my scooter, my father is passenger. We laugh at the line of more than a dozen scooters that are rolling out next to us, linked to one another as if a train, and towed by a very small car. We pass them; a couple of cars pass us. We are heading down a winding road through the mountains, could be Colorado, could be northern New Mexico. The sun has set, the world is darkening. We come to a curve on which the stripes suggest that the road goes right, but I think I see a truck going left up ahead — I choose right. I chose wrong. Luckily I stop before I edge of the dirt lot that the road became. Phew. Oh no, here comes the scooter train behind us... there is no way they'll figure it out. Sure enough, they come flying into the dirt lot, narrowly avoiding us, but also able to stop. We are angry, "what the fuck were they thinking when they painted those lines?!" We continue down a couple of miles, and go to a building. Wooden. Hanging out with unnameable friends. Find out that someone's girlfriend works at a pizza place (maybe the same couple from before); she'll bring me vegan pizza. Just what I need. She arrives with a bag of a dozen gourmet slices. I want nothing else in the world right now. Plenty of laughter and friendliness.

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Does this have to do with your {insert parental relation here}?