Monday, May 10, 2010

"Sarah", I said "I don't think the candy boat trip around the world is going to be affordable enough for us after all"

In Arts Adventures we made a music video. A girl on a floaty bed in the middle of a pool is suddenly attacked by sharks--(we filmed real sharks of course!) and begins to sing!

The scenes change a lot never really resolving the shark attack!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Apocalypse Dream


I am in a tall building wearing a dress I just gave away. I have some things at a table in a corner. Hurriedly I run up some stairs to the bathroom leaving my things. In the bathroom a motherly woman, wearing the same shade of Maroon as me stops me and gives me a long warm reassuring hug.

I am aware that time is running out. It is the familiar song that has just come on. At the end of this song I must be out of this building. I rush downstairs and over to the corner where I grab my things. I hurry out the emergency exit and am making my way down the stairs when the song ends.

I see an echo of light coming from outside and hear the first explosion. I make it to the exit at the bottom of the stairs and continue to hurry outside. I walk across the lawn away from the building. Across the water, over the bay I see each tall building get hit and start to burn. Behind me the building is hit again, and this time is completely destroyed. I walk down to the water's edge, near a parking lot.

I think that if I had a car I would get in it and desperately drive somewhere, but it wouldn't be necessary--it's not like I would be going somewhere, there's nowhere to go. It would just be a relief to be going fast like these other panicked drivers.

I walk past some people in white t-shirts (it's turning to night) who either haven't figured it out yet, or they just don't care. Then I begin to follow a path along the water's edge hoping to get a better view of the destroyed city. I am aware of this all as playing out as it has before. I pass a couple hobo's who seem to have known this would happen. One of them raises a pineapple at me in salute.

I don't think of anyone. I just wonder where I will go, and I wonder what value the things I saved have now that the system they are a part of doesn't exist.


Monday, May 3, 2010

1, 2, 3, 4!

I am walking up a hill with some older ladies and David. We're carrying our water. Every once in a while we come across several groups of people: each sharing one long blindfold of a specific color. These groups amble slowly around the field counting out steps and tapping on each others backs "one, two, three, four!" The one person who is blindfolded alone has to tag one of the groups.

I get up on David's back and flap my arms while he bounces his legs. We are pretending to be a giant bird.

I think we are about to "fly" into David Lynch who is standing nearby.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Let's just use mine.

I'm holding my heart. It's blue. Not blue-body-part blue, but primary blue. I breathe. We breathe. "Why don't we just use my heart?" I inquire lightly. "I think that it would work — I'm healthy, I'm sure my heart is in great shape." I am unsure of who needs it, I've forgotten. Do I need put a heart back in me? Or can I give it to someone else? I inspect the heart, to see how hardy it is. How hearty. How robust. I'm not much surprised that it is blue — but, there seems to be far more fat and mineral build-up than I expected to find. That's what the light coloured stuff inside is, right? I expected it to be leaner, meaner. "I think it's still good —" I trail off while prodding the organ.

There appears to be plenty of room for blood to pass through.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Kids! Prove that the winter sun is lower!

Illustration that was a long-time-coming of a dream from a month or two ago.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Worms in the blood. Snake in the grass.

(what happened, is no one is dreaming anymore? what has become of us, have incubi feasted on our imaginations?)

A friend and I are in a mansion. A haunted mansion. It is daylight, so there is nothing to be afraid of just yet, but we had better figure out how to get out of here — because in the evening it will most certainly fill up with blood, from which white worms will leap and eat your flesh. Down the enormous staircase we go, the floor is stained with the blood that floods the house nightly. Glad we found the door.

Out we go. We walk hand-in-hand up a rocky slope, it seems to be a dry grassy hill in Colorado. It is a nice day, sunny, little breeze. "Whoa, look at the sidewinders!" I point them out — two enormous snakes some 100ft away squiggling about on a rock. I call them sidewinders, but they are huge like anacondas. I'm fascinated.

I hear a noise in the grass near our feet. "Don't move," I say with my breath. It was dumb to come out here with shorts and sandals. I know the sound was another snake, a small snake. Slowly I shift to look behind us, my friend slides out of the way at the exact moment that the snake strikes. It flies through the air, striking my knee and biting. I swat it away in a panic. "Quick! What kind of snake?!" I know we have to identify it so I can get the right anti-venom. It is all black, not large, with a sort of blue-checkered tail. "It's a blue coral snake," I say confidently. "Go!"

We hit a full-out run, back to the mansion where we can get help — I'm limping slightly.

Shit, I probably shouldn't run, the venom will spread faster with my racing heart! I'm remaining calm nonetheless.

— another —

I can't stop eating these nuts! But they are metal. They are made for climbing. Still, they are delicious and I must be really hungry. A friend doesn't seem concerned — but I start to worry about how they are going to go through my digestive system. The metal wires will surely make it difficult for my body to get them around the corners in my intestines! Damn, this was a bad idea.

Huh: now I can see this machine in front of me. It is my digestive system, layed out like clockwork, and made of white plastic and screws and other metal bits. It appears that the climbing stoppers are making it through just fine. That's a relief. I pull one out at the end — it seems unharmed by my digestive processes. I get wet, splashed on. Frustrating.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's Dark, but in a feel-good movie way.

Nothing but ghosts, villains, psychics, and fire raining from the sky lately. But all fun, and always supplemented with little kid hands, candy mountains, and co-op mansions.